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Smoking When Pregnant The Reality

Smoking When Pregnant The Reality

Smoking When Pregnant The Reality

Smoking so many are too frightened to touch upon this subject in fear of annoying other people. Fear of having people having a go at you.

Reality is smoking in pregnancy an after increases risk of SIDS. Scientific evidence shows that around 30% of sudden infant deaths could be avoided if mothers didn’t smoke when they were pregnant. Taken together with the risks of smoking around a baby at home, this means that smoking could be linked to 60% of sudden infant deaths.

I personally have come across parents that did EVERYTHING safe but they smoked add that to a formula fed baby that was premature an there you have your triple risk theory. I am not here to judge. Education again is the key.

There is so much help now out there for both parents. There is now nicotine replacement therapies. I had one mum say which I found slightly ironic. How she didn’t want use nicotine patches or replacement therapies are she didn’t know what was in them. Yet was OK with smoking an putting 4000 chemicals into babies body. Cigarettes can restrict the essential oxygen supply to your baby. As a result, their heart has to beat harder every time you smoke.

You can use NRT during pregnancy if it will help you stop smoking, and you’re unable to stop without it. It’s not recommended that you take stop smoking tablets such as Champix or Zyban during pregnancy.

NRT contains only nicotine and none of the damaging chemicals found in cigarettes, so it is a much better option than continuing to smoke. It helps you by giving you the nicotine you would have had from a cigarette.

You can be prescribed NRT during pregnancy by your GP or an NHS stop smoking adviser. You can also buy it over the counter without a prescription from a pharmacy.

NRT is available as:




nasal spray

mouth spray

oral strips



If you have pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting, patches may be a better solution.

NRT patches should be used for no more than 16 hours in any 24-hour period. The best way to stick to this is to remove the patch at bedtime.

Before using any of these products, speak to your midwife, GP, a pharmacist or a specialist stop smoking adviser.

By getting this specialist advice you can be sure that you are doing the best for your baby and best for you. For more information, call the NHS Smokefree advice line on 0300 123 1044. Remember, you are twice as likely to be successful at quitting if you get some support from a trained adviser.

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