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My Daughter Loves Her Dads New Partner

Yesterday my daughter came out of school wanting to go and buy a present for someone special for the weekend. When I realised it was her dad’s girlfriend that she wanted to buy it for well my heart dropped right there and then and my face must have shown it too as I had to sit and cuddle her while she sobbed uncontrollably because she realised that what she had just said had hurt my feelings… I hid the tears rolling down my face while I held her tight. I hid my pain while she expressed hers.

I then realised that my own hurt was wrong, why should I be jealous of another woman who loves and cares for my little girl, and clearly my daughter feels the same way, my exs partner is not a threat she is an added bonus and a welcome addition to my daughter’s family.

One friend of mine expressed that she would feel jealous of their relationship and I explained that at first I was but soon came to realise that I have a strong bond with my daughter, she is my friend and my love for her is so strong, why should I be jealous that my daughter has someone who keeps her safe who wants to be a part of her life and wants the best for her.

Being a split family isn’t something I wanted and it is hard when you see someone you love move on and get into a new relationship especially when she is perfect, but I knew I had to grow up and put my daughter first, I don’t want her to grow up and feel see is stuck in the middle of a woman she likes and a mother she loves.

The way I see it is my daughter’s family has just got bigger and I am happy she has someone else in her life who is a strong female role model.

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