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Hi pp anonymously. So I am in the process of taking out a DRO with step change….

Hi pp anonymously.

So I am in the process of taking out a DRO with step change. (I know people are against them but I’m really stuck and don’t have time to dig deeper online or beat the bailiffs where I can’t get advice anonymously).
So rewind 2 months ago- I’ve made no money trying to be self employed, was getting HB and working and child tax. Have a 4 year old. Partner was self employed too but beginning of July be got a 30 hour a week job… works out about 18-19k a year. I’m still down as self employed but have no work in and haven’t for last 2 months (may be earned £700) since January. HB Have suspended our money as I notified them of the job and said they don’t think we are entitled to anything which is fair enough.. our rent is 1k a month and DH will be earning about 1550 before tax and n.i deductions. I recently done the tax return for tax credits and we get about 50 working tax and 50 child tax.. I done the form a week before he got the job so HMRC aren’t aware of it right now as I only just got the award letter yesterday. My dad said now they will take it all of us. And I’m not getting any wages. We spend about 1500 a month out so I don’t get how we will survive?


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