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Please can I have a post on whichever page? Basically I’m just at the point now…

Please can I have a post on whichever page?
Basically I’m just at the point now where I feel like I can’t do it anymore! I have a 6 month old and when I first had her I struggled to adjust I wouldn’t leave the house I cried everyday and wasn’t eating etc and then I started feeling better for a while with off days, my baby has had a few issues like chronic constiaption and always had to be swaddled to sleep she really fights her sleep but screams and screams like she’s being tortured, she does this every day about 3 times a day and I can’t cope anymore! She can’t be swaddled anymore as she just screams and fights it but I can’t cope with the screaming when trying to get her to sleep whether it’s a nap or bedtime and then through the night she doesn’t sleep well either she constantly tosses as turns to wake herself up and the cries, I’ve tried raising her bed, swaddling, not swaddling, made sure she’s full and winded, she has a dummy, tried white noise, rocking, leaving alone, you name it I’ve probably tried it! I don’t know how much more of it I can take! I feel like such a failure I see mums all the time loving it and I’m here miserable and just sort of wishing the time away and then I feel guilty about t because I really do love her! I don’t really get any help I’ve asked so many times but no one is willing to, I tried to give her to my brother and his fiancé for a few hours a couple weeks ago but she screamed the house down until I got there and they was shocked how bad it was sorry it’s so long just don’t know what to do anymore!


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