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Ppp. NASTY CRAVINGS…. anyone else got nasty cravings? Im nearly 36 weeks pregn…

Ppp. NASTY CRAVINGS…. anyone else got nasty cravings? Im nearly 36 weeks pregnant and my craving is sand, yes ive eaten it (😷😷) but today i feel like i want to smell like damp/mould… WTF!!! Also i really want to nibble on a stone…. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME lol 😂😂😷😷 please tell me in not the only 1


25 thoughts on “Ppp. NASTY CRAVINGS…. anyone else got nasty cravings? Im nearly 36 weeks pregn…

  • I was waiting for my bank to open and licked the bricks while reading the opening times 😂 trying to be discreet while people walking past 😂🙈 xx

  • I craved smelling dampness and wanting to soon a wet mop 😂😂😂 I NEVER !!! but I did used to sit in the bath and chew/eat a wet sponge ( SEPERATE SPONGE FROM WASHING SPONGE ) it was amazing 😂😂😂😂 craved it with all 3 of my pregnancys xxxxdx

  • I craved the smell of nail polish and at one stage even wanted to lick it 😷 turns out it was pica as I was really really anemic xx

  • I craved concrete, sand and ice cubes with both pregnancies, my mum was planning on getting the garden paved had gotten two samples of paving stones and i got a hammer and whacked a big chunk off and i would nibble on it 😂 when i mentioned it to my doctor, they done a blood test and it was my iron levels being so low that was making me crave them, get your iron checked and if its that then taking your iron tablets should stop it

  • It’s called Pica. The craving to eat something with no nutritional value. It’s actually quite common but can be the sign of anaemia. Mine has been chewing water out of a sponge, with all 3 viable pregnancies. I have gone through so many sponges 😂

  • I used too love the smell of sawdust.. And used to eat spoonfuls of drinking chocolate and winkles sandwiches and suck on raw liver…although my kids all grown up now and have families of their own… Nothing harmed them when I was pregnancy with them…. Long time ago lol

  • I had a major craving for washing powder, I’d smell it and want to eat it😂😂😂😂 in both pregnancies though I have gone through soooo much ice. I just stand at my freezer munching on it!!😂

  • Mine was rubber 😂 I bought a new pair of havanas flip flops and would just sit and smell them for hours then I made my partner go to the shop and buy me a basketball and would just sniff it all evening 😂😂 x

  • I had to chew on a sponge with all three of mine! Funny how they tell you to stay away from soft cheese and prawns but eating sand is ok 😂😂😂

  • Wood was my thing! Freshly cut wood lol! I always went into the shed and sniffed it! Several times a day! I wanted to eat it but resisted lol, i wanted it so much though lol!

  • Mine was washing up liquid. I would pour it into the sink, foam it up abit and just sniff just some cocaine habit. I would do it everywhere. My son is 7 and I still crave it!

  • Mine is/was toilet roll (clean of course) told my midwife, have had bloods checked and everything is fine. Just really strange craving 🤦🏼‍♀️😂

  • Personally I haven’t had strange cravings just anything with sugar. A friend of mine did eat pumice stone while she was pregnant.

  • Mine was Tesco cream cleaner. First it was just the smell of it but my ex ended up chucking it as I wanted to squirt it in my mouth so bad, I cried when he got rid of it 😂 also I always wanted to eat washing powder

  • I used to sniff clean sponges when I was pregnant with both my girls! I loved opening a fresh packet of sponges and smelling them 😂

  • I used to hoover just for the smell it gave off. Every single day for hours on end I blamed it on nesting so people wouldn’t think I was weird 😳 and towards the end endless amount of ice cubes my iron was good and had no problems so I just craved the ice 😂 x

  • I’ve honestly read some strange things women crave through pregnancies. I do get so baffled by them 😂 I’m 28 weeks tomorrow with my 3rd baby and I have to say I’ve never ever had a weird craving. I’ve just had the normal food cravings lol, you should google weird cravings and you read up what women have said they’ve craved, you won’t feel alone then lol x

  • Craved the smell of bleach. Used to fill cups full of bleach and water and put them next to me at all times 🙈 still love bleach now and my little boys nearly 5 😂 x

  • I had sand lmao the best substitute I found was crushed ice it was similar to the consistency I wanted and saved me actually eating sand 😂 xx

  • I loved damp, I used to be obsessed with brushing my tongue as well. 3 am I marched down to tesco to guzzle a carton of passata 😷

  • Mine was the smell of petrol.. i cuda been the strange pregnant woman who sat at the petrol pumps like a junkie getting a high lol ..but wasn’t allowed 😂😂😂 xx

  • Nibbling on a stone just reminds me of Jack Sparrow licking the stone 😂 x


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