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PPP sorry for long post… After a bit of advice, NBR! Me and my partner have…

PPP sorry for long post…

After a bit of advice, NBR!

Me and my partner have been together for 11 years and have a 2yr old. He also has children from a previous relationship which we have joint custody of. I have been in these boys life’s since they were tiny so I obviously think the world of them. My partner works away a lot, which is fine, and I do the school run everyday for the other children, including the days when they are at there mums. I run around after my partner when he is working close by (to and from train station), plus dealing with the baby everyday. I also work full time and studying for exams.

My issue is, when my partner is home, he just constantly sits on his laptop and plays computer games, literally 13 hours a day. To the point where the kids don’t wanna come out there room cos my partner is ‘too busy’ and I’m left dealing with the baby! He says it’s his time as he works full time, but so do I! As well as doing everything inbetween!

He used to be such a great father and great partner but recently (12 months or so) he has changed! His ‘friends’ on his game tell me to f**k off if I ask him to come off it, and he doesn’t defend me, his ex constantly orders me around when dropping kids off etc, baring in mind if it’s her week, I am actually doing her a favour!

I just feel so lonely, if I ever say anything I get accused of moaning, or being a bitch, or being selfish! Dinner is always cooked for him when he is home, plus lunches etc made. I literally wake up at 5.45 and don’t stop til 9pm. I’m absolutely exhausted and don’t know what to do. I want my partner back, but feel like it’s too little too late! I’m also stuck as don’t want my daughter being brought up in a broken home 😢😢

Anyone relate or have any advice? Very worn out mummy 😢😢


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