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Ppp.. Nbr just looking for some advice from people in a relationship. How do you…

Ppp.. Nbr just looking for some advice from people in a relationship. How do you know when your just going through a bad patch in your relationship or that the relationship had came to an end? I love him more then anything in the world but all we do for the last few month is constantly argue its a constant battle everyday 🙁


2 thoughts on “Ppp.. Nbr just looking for some advice from people in a relationship. How do you…

  • When there is more cons than pros that’s when you know it’s over. Personally me and my fella have had a few rough patches but we knew what we wanted and so we worked towards it. No one said love is easy

  • If u both still love each other then it’s just a bad patch when u don’t want 2 be in a relationship any more u just no and look 4 any reason 2 walk away x


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