Mums Advice

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Alannahs Diary


I think I can maybe vouch for a lot of mums/parents or carers in similar situations to us. After talking to some mums on support groups or even being out and about I would like to share this with you and you can also share this post if you like once you’ve read it if you agree.

Our children are no different or less to any other kids out there, they are still the same human beings as us apart from they need a little help or support. Whether it may be they are gravity fed via syringe & NG tube, to pump fed via stomach or nose, or whether they walk about with oxygen cylinders and tubes all over the pram. The list can go on for other disabilities too but we are not a circus act so please stop staring.

Instead of staring at us, why not come over and ask? She’s not going to bite and neither will I (she may cry at you) but she’s a 10 month old baby and that’s what any other baby of her age would do if a stranger approached them. She will dazzle you with her big bright eyes & extremely long eyelashes and if your lucky enough she will show off her beautiful smile. A lot of our community are on this page but for strangers we are just normal human beings like the rest of you. We try and get on with our day life as normal.

I don’t mean to offend anyone by this post but if you have been in a situation like us you will understand where I’m coming from😊

#alannahsdiary #alannahlyndsey #chILD #insterstitiallungdisease #tubefed #tubefeeding #gravityfeed #ngtube #oxygenbaby #awareness

Alannahs Diary

This page will be for updates on Alannah with her progress & fundraising for the charity – chILD lung foundation to help other children like Alannah


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