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Basically my son is 2 years old in October. I struggle on a daily basis with his…

Basically my son is 2 years old in October. I struggle on a daily basis with his ‘behaviour’ he cries at everything, and it isn’t a cute cry, it’s an ear rattling high pitches wail that goes right through my head. He is never happy &I is very hard to please. He acts the same for every single person he meets, grandparents, my friends, great grandparents, aunties, uncles etc. He throws himself to the floor maybe literally 30+ times a day, cries I’d say on average every 15 minutes and I admit I cannot cope. I have two other children, one who is nearly 3 and one who is nearly 3 months old, yes he is the middle child and only boy but he is very loved and gets just as much attention if not more than the other two!
He cannot speak yet, only everything and everyone is ‘daddy’ or ‘dada’ he will also say his version of ‘what’s this’ but he can’t say anything else and more to the point doesn’t attempt to say anything, I try read books and point out cars and buses, people and cats, dogs etc but he looks at me all confused and throws a huge tantrum on the floor, throwing things and hitting sometimes.
He is on a waiting list to see an ear nose and throats specialist to see if there are any problems regarding his ears (due to finding blood and huge amounts of wax coming out some mornings when he gets out of bed) maybe.. and I hope in a sense that there is something wrong that’s fixable so his acting out and tantrums and lack of speech can start to improve for his sake before he gets left behind because I can see how frustrated and upset he can get when he cannot communicate with his own parents.
I’m close to breakdown every day with him, my health visitor even said to avoid any situation that would cause stress to him, but telling me that is saying I might as well live in a shed, he hates parks, he hates parties, he hates everywhere, tantrums everywhere about everything!
I spoke to her about autism as what I read on quite a few pages and forums I felt he did things quite often that linked to autism but she told me not to worry and ruled it out, but I’m still not agreeing with her 100%
I am so embarrassed to go anywhere with him, everyone looks and stares like I don’t know how to discipline a child but I have tried everything, from getting down on his level and talking, to naughty chairs, to time out chairs, diverting his attention and nothing works, I’m struggling & wondering what to do!
I have a partner, father to all three Children who is very supportive so I aren’t on my own, but family and friends don’t understand how sdifficult our son really is, everyone brushes it off like ‘toddler tantrums’ ‘he’s a boy’ ‘he’s just being boystrous’ .. only the people who live with him truly understand how much of a daily battle it is.
I don’t want abuse before all the perfect people of the world tell me im not capable of being a parent, would just love to know if I’m not alone and anyone else has had anything like this with their own children &I if they found anything that helped!
Just want to add he was the perfect baby, always happy smiley, but he started walking and it all went down hill and is getting worse Day by day.


One thought on “Basically my son is 2 years old in October. I struggle on a daily basis with his…

  • Just want to add that even majority of the time all you have to do is smile at him and he throws a huge tantrum


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