Mums Advice

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Can i get a pp? Its long sorry! Basically i had a baby last month. The father sp…

Can i get a pp? Its long sorry! Basically i had a baby last month. The father split up with me when she was five days old. Said he hadnt loved me for 4 months but still slept in my bed and told me he loved me and that we would have a future then later said he was basically just telling me what i wanted to hear. I woulda rathered he split up with me rather than stringing me along. He hasnt paid for our baby since shes been born. During my pregnancy he and his family made comments about myself and the baby. Including comments about her hating me and her dying etc. He let me sleep on the floor when heavily pregnant.. he gambles and drinks and his brother said i was faking pains when i was in hospital at 33 weeks with steroid injections being given to help babys lungs function because it would stop him going out drinking (he still went out drinking even on the night i was discharged) his family have met our baby twice.. in 4 weeks. He keeps asking to get her on his own i said not right now shes too young and his family need to get to know her before they have her at theirs alone as she doesnt know them or their surroundings. Basically long story short he asked for set days and so i gave him set days and said if he cant do his set day then thats his problem *hes already let her down twice* and now hes saying he cant do a day later on in the month and is gonna take me to court to get access to her (access that he already gets just not on his own) theres so much more to the story which i wrote out but i pressed the backspace and it deleted-.- so this is long story kinda cut short and im just so peed off, how can you take a newborn away from her mum when she doesnt know his family!? They havent been bothered or even asked how she is! Theyve met her twice in 4 weeks and not even bothered to come round and create a relationship so that eventually they can have her on their own. Theyve been to court to get access to their other grandaughter (i dont know the circumstances) but they were stopped and had to go through court but im not stopping them from seeing her!? Urgh theyve been horrible for 12 months and now threatening me with court!? I just wanted a rant and maybe some advice!? I dont know.


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