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Can I get a pp Plz.. I’m expecting baby no3 and already have two beautiful girls…

Can I get a pp Plz.. I’m expecting baby no3 and already have two beautiful girls hoping for a boy wondering how many of u had a boy after 2 girls with the SAME dad?? Apparently chances are slim for a boy after 2 girls and this is our last xx


25 thoughts on “Can I get a pp Plz.. I’m expecting baby no3 and already have two beautiful girls…

  • I had 2 boys then 2 girls same daddy
    A friend of mine had 3 girls no boys they all had same daddy then another had 2 girls and then a boy all same daddy again
    It’s just 50/50 chance I suppose, good luck as long as baby is healthy I’m sure you will be over the moon xxx congrats on the new family member xxx

  • I had two girls (eldest my ex) then a boy….fourth baby was our last try for second boy…we got another girl….and now I’m 30weeks with number five…(can’t say sex as haven’t announced it only some ppl know lol)

  • I had 4 boys then my daughter came along, to say I was shocked is an understatement, I had 4 normal deliveries with my lads but need an emergency c section with our daughter, it’s just luck of the draw on what sex you’ll have but when I conceived my daughter we were at it like rabbits, as they say boy sperm are faster swimmers but girl sperm live longer

  • I had 2 girls & then a little boy. Sadly my 2nd girl passed away
    🙁 I then went on to have 2 more boys. I am now 35 weeks pregnant with a little girl 🙂 All my babies are with the same dad xxx

  • I’m pregnant with my 3rd and have to little girls already and I’m expecting a little boy so it is possible I wouldn’t listen to what people say 🙂x

  • I’ve got 2 girls and pregnant with my 3rd were having a surprise and I think my hubby will pass out if it’s a boy cos he’s adamant it’s another girl lol xx

  • I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby too I’ve got to girls not sure what this one is yet but I’ve got a strong feeling it’s another girl, same dad x

  • I’m 17+4 days pregnant with my 3rd, we have 2 little girls and are expecting our 3rd little girl 🙂 we are really happy 🙂 it’s 50/50! X

  • Ive had 2 girls which are 12 and 10. 5 weeks ago i had a boy. I was so happy but i was so scared incase sonographer got it wrong. Same dad as we have been together 14 years. Our family is now complete. Good luck! Xx

  • We have 3 girls. Hoped our 3rd and final daughter would be a boy but wasn’t ment to be. Love all my princesses xx

  • My friend had 2 girls then 2 boys all with her husband.. I’m godmother to them all xx

  • My children are all to the same Father. We had 2 boys first who are 5 and 2 and we have an 11 week old girl now aswell. 💙💙❤

  • My Mum and dad had 3 girls… all 3 years apart from each other… its really a 50/50 chance

  • I have 3 girls with my ex parter. I am 24 weeks pregnant with another girl my boyfriend

  • I have 2 girls and our third was a boy 😂 all with the same dad xx he is our last though ha ha

  • Me and my husband have 3 girls. We would of loved a little boy. Good luck, hope you get that little boy.

  • I had three girls with ex. New partner had a boy and a girl…we had another……girl!

  • Me! I have a 12yr and a 9yr girls and now I have 13 month old boy all with the same dad!!!

  • I have a boy and 2 girls but the same first for the girls and different dad for the boy x


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