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can i have a pp please i am in desperate need of advice my 4 year old barley sl…

can i have a pp please
i am in desperate need of advice my 4 year old barley sleeps she goes to bed at 7/8 and only sleeps for an hour or two before she is awake screaming crying giving me all the usual excuses as to why she can’t sleep then won’t settle back to sleep till 3/4 in the morning then is up between 6 and 8. she won’t nap in the day. so I have tried everything to settle her back down to sleep but nothing works I’ve read books I’ve cuddled her I’ve spoke to her I have had her in my bed I have gave her a warm drink and she still consists on screaming this is the 4th week of this I’m at a loose end because she is so grumpy in the day but won’t sleep at night in desperate need of help


5 thoughts on “can i have a pp please i am in desperate need of advice my 4 year old barley sl…

  • can u reply to my post please she would normally say if she has had a night mare and something has scared her but not saying a thing. also I have tried putting her in bed and walking away and this doesn’t work either she just lays in bed screaming and crying xx

  • Have you tried a night light? It’s also common for kids around three and four to get nightmares. Not easy coping when your tired, hopefully just a phase and you will both get a good night sleep soon. X

  • just put her back on bed and let her cry may sound horrible but the more you do these things the more she will test you and do it just go in her bed room put her on bed and walk back out don’t even speak to her it’s an attention thing my 3 year old tried it I may sound like a bitch but you have to be cruel to be kind.xx

  • You’re giving her far too much interaction …a cup of water or milk for bed then water in case she wakes up …once she is in bed I would not pander to her hun …I’d put her back to bed with no interactions at all x

  • Give her a hug…tell her you love her..then walk away x try that maybe? X


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