Can I have a ppp as there are people who I no on here thank you I feel like i…
Can I have a ppp as there are people who I no on here thank you
I feel like iam letting my lg down as iam trying to make mummy friends so we can have play dates as the so call friends I have dont boff at all with us not even a text to see how we are or if we would like to go for a coffee I do ask if they would like to do something but get nowt back any way iam trying my best but getting no were at all iam not the kind of person who makes the first move with talking to people but I have been its all ways just me and my lg I have no real friends what so ever iam wondering if any one else has found it hard to meet mummy friends and got their in the end ???? I really am trying my best just so we can get out more and so she can mix with other kids
Please could you comment on my post please
Were I live all the groups stop when school finish and when I was ready to go to one it was to late as they finished iam just getting over pnd so I wasnt ready to do things like that. At the time.
I would understand about my so call friends if they didnt have kids but they do I think its coz my lg is with me all the time I never ask for anyone to have her as I dont feel the need of them having
Hi there, my daughters 2 and a half and from January this year I reduced my full time hours down to 2 days a week to be able to spend quality time with my little girl before she goes to school. I have endlessly tried to do things with other mums and it is only ever one way.. and now I’ve had enough of it so I don’t plan with anyone as I’m never going to be let down that way! We now do a lot on our own, yes it is lonely and monotonous but for me this is what works best for us. This is not to say I wouldn’t meet other people and regularly meet from there it’s just how I see things right now.
Feel free to message me if you want to chat.. I know full well what it’s like xx
have you tried a local toddler group? they normally seem to be run by churches but its a good way of allowing your child to mix and you can make friends there
or depending how old your little one is what about NTC baby massage classes or sensory play sessions?
maybe do a facebook search for the name of the town you are in and see if theres a local group and join and post there and see if other mums know of local places or maybe just a group of mums that meet up once or twice a week
we have a few that meet at the play center and brewers fayre , also there seems to be a mum and toddler walking group
no doubt you will find lots of mums in the same position as you
I moved towns when my middle 1 was born and knew no1. But I took him 2 local playgroups and met some lovely new friends in no time. Maybe worth a go
My son’s 9months tomorrow and I can’t for the life of me make friends with mum’s/dad’s with kids his age!
It’s basically impossible!
I don’t understand what we are doing wrong … There’s no groups with kids his age… He’s such a social baby as well… It sucks that I am that bad at socialising that he suffers… 😲
But… If anyone has baby around his age play date? 😂 You don’t have to like me just like my kid lol
In real though .. can you try different groups? X
Okay so I’m not a mum but! None of my friends crochet so I joined a few groups on FB and talk to loads of people now! Would something like that be possible?