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Can I have a ppp basically me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 9 m…

Can I have a ppp basically me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 9 months and I’m nearly 7 months pregnant with his baby we are constantly arguing as he is into his cars and used to go to these car festivals but at the beginning he only went to 1 now he’s been going to loads in short periods of time and now he’s on about starting the gym which he’s never done since we have been together and claims he used to do it when we weren’t together I feel paranoid as he messaged his ex about underwear and how he saw some that reminded him of her but this was 6/7 months ago he’s very secretive and I don’t know what to do I feel I should trust him, he’s also been avoiding seeing me and any sexual contact with me now but would want it a lot normally and only these current couple months he’s been treating me differently to be honest I’m scared to be alone and bringing up a baby on my own but I do love him an awful lot too I just don’t know what to do anymore. can I have some advice please?


7 thoughts on “Can I have a ppp basically me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 9 m…

  • Can you reply and say I confronted him and he said that it was a mistake and he’s sorry but didn’t give me a reason and he wanted sex all the time and he only recently keeps going to all these meet ups and things but didn’t for months before I just don’t know what to do

  • Can you reply and say that the baby wasn’t planned and I was on the pill but I don’t think that abortion is contraception. Thank you xx

  • You’ve only been together 9 months, and 7 of those you’ve been pregnant. Maybe before you met he did all the car/gym stuff. He could have taken break to be with you and spent time with you.
    Some men get put off by pregnant women or feel that they may hurt the baby in doing so. There could be many reasons.
    I don’t like the fact he has messaged his ex about the undies, that would really p me off too. If I were you I would confront him and ask him why he would send it, that’s not on.

  • Don’t stay with him just cos of the baby. U can both be good parents without being together n making each ther miserable! I was a single mum to a newborn, 1 year old and 2 year old n I wish I’d have left my ex sooner! I thought I’d be a crap parent without him. But was Best thing i ever did! Truth is U didn’t no him long enough before falling pregnant :-/ ppl usually take their time n get to no the person. . . The main thing is that u are happy, happy mum = happy baby. Xx

  • 9 months isnt very logs he’s probably just getting comfortable enough to be himself and do what he wants to do rather than bein with u constantly (as it always is at the start of the relationship). My husband and I have been together 12 years (married 3) and it took about a year or so before we really got to know eachother and we’re comfortable enough to truely be ourselves… sounds like things have moved a bit quick and your still getting to know eachother. On the sex thing some men are just freaked out by the pregnancy! We’re on baby number 3 and my husband has never ever been interested in sex when I’m pregnant (usually he’s sex mad). He’s ok to start with but as soon as I have a bump he won’t incase he’s ‘poking baby in the face’… it just freaks him out… sometimes we do have sex but as soon as baby moves he freaks out and it’s not happening… it’s just the way he is… and I think a lot of men are the same. X

  • 9 months isn’t a very long time to know each other enough to know if things are going to work but one thing you do need to do is speak to him. Get all your issues out between you both and either try and make it work or don’t. Your hormones will not be helping you so you will feel more upset etc xx

  • Omg the first couple if years is ment to be a amazing learning about each other discovering each other I think people move abit quickly these days,what is wrong wiv waiting


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