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Can I have a ppp. Does anyone have any success stories regarding child’s first …

Can I have a ppp.
Does anyone have any success stories regarding child’s first passport.
Want to get my children’s passports but my eldest isn’t biologically my husband his bio dad IS ON the birth certificate but hasn’t seen him in almost 5 years nor do I know he is or have any constant details! I’ve spoke to passport office and they said it’s up to the examiner but add as much info as I can… has anyone done the same and it been accepted? Don’t want to waste money on getting my other kids done if my eldest sons can’t x


3 thoughts on “Can I have a ppp. Does anyone have any success stories regarding child’s first …

  • Yeh I left it blank and he had his name not mine, never had a problem, then I changed his name by deed poll and again sent off for the new passport with no problems and then renewed it last in February with no issues and haven’t put down contact info for his sperm donor once

  • I done my daughters and put the dads name, date of birth, home town on. But I’ve heard a lot of people leave it blank and say in the notes, no contact with the father

  • I sent my daughter’s away put her dad’s info on and had it back within a week


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