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Can I have a ppp . Doesn’t it suck when someone just changes completely .i met m…

Can I have a ppp . Doesn’t it suck when someone just changes completely .i met my boyfriend two years ago he was so nice and sweet and he would spoil me rotten I couldn’t believe I found someone like him . Eventually than of course he got controlling and abusive with he’s words . Didn’t leave me with bruises but there inside my head .wouldnt leave me out if I was wearing certain clothes or I’d be single .telling me how stupid I am every day . Telling me I need to go on a diet . Reminds me that my family don’t care about me because my rapist is still walking around the streets .says no one wants me my mam don’t my nana don’t none of my family does because I need help and I need to go back to school I’m that stupid . If I ever fell pregnant he would push me down the stairs That’s nothing compared to what he usually says .imagine listening to this daily ? U start to believe it. I lost myself .i put up weight stopped doing my hair stopped wearing my nice clothes stopped getting my nails done all my usual stuff stopped seen friends and family he controlled all my money .he now has my savings .i new deep down it was wrong but I just didn’t wana believe it .yesterday was the final straw .i recently started my own buisness so i find it hard getting to my phone . He’s always giving out if I can’t answer or don’t respond fast enough .he abused the fuck out of me yesterday I finally lost it told him how horrible he is and he just says stop playing the victim ! Well ladies I can assure u iv left ! And iv woke up this morning so proud! Not even upset just angry I let it get that bad ! He can keep my savings he’s blocked 😊


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