Can I have a ppp I had a car accident at the weekend and my partner sent me this…
Can I have a ppp I had a car accident at the weekend and my partner sent me this . Am I wrong in going ape shit
General advice from parent to parent
Can I have a ppp I had a car accident at the weekend and my partner sent me this . Am I wrong in going ape shit
In all honesty I think he’s trying to help you, probably not put in the best way but I think he’s coming from a good place, and dieting is good for depression he isn’t wrong
Why the hell would any1 be with some1 like this he sounds like a horrible person my other half would never dream of saying anything like this to or about me…. U deserve alot better he is scum!
Wow…..the only weight you need to lose is him! What a dick xx
Get rid of the cheeky fecking cxxt! What kind of cheeky dickhead says this to your partner. If that was mine he’d be out the door and no 2nd chances. I’m shocked he/she would send this to you! 😡
😂😂😂😂😂 your partner has a sense of humour, I suppose I’m not a sensitive woman and can take a joke though 😂
Maaaaaate hed be the reason for my next accident. If mow him down! Traaaaa
That’s shocking! If my partner said that to me I would of punched him in the throat 👍 that’s so horrible!
Ru actually serious how dare he belittle u like that what a prick noones perfect point out his inperections !!! Xxxx
Oh my god what a twat. Give him a back hander ! Cheeky sod xxx
That is disgusting I don’t think that sounds like someone joking
Bloody hell take a joke will you 🙄 if you took it seriously it obviously hit a nerve so maybe he’s right
I would have took his phone and shoved it up his arse… he is very rude
I would have been way worse than that.. should have been more worried about you than shouting about weight and diets 😡
Honestly I would have laughed at this, I think he was joking to get this reaction
😂😂😂 i think he’s only havin a laugh
Why is he still your partner 😠
Is he not just joking x
No that’s so crass!!
sounds like you need to loose him x
What a dick x
dump him…sure youll loose like 15stone instantly! xx