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Can I have a ppp? I had my baby at 27 weeks, he’s now a week old and I’m just wo…

Can I have a ppp? I had my baby at 27 weeks, he’s now a week old and I’m just wondering how I can increase my milk supply? Obviously skin to skin contact isn’t possible, so any suggestions? Thanks


18 thoughts on “Can I have a ppp? I had my baby at 27 weeks, he’s now a week old and I’m just wo…

  • Will you reply to the lady on my post please? I’m pumping as I can’t even hold him, he’s over a week hold and I’ve had skin to skin once which was at a week old. I’m pumping regularly, so I’m not sure what else to do x

  • Make sure you also hand express as well as pump. You need both negative and positive pressure for your milk supply, to mimic what baby does/will do. Also express as much as possible, especially in the early hours of the morning (12am – 4am) as that’s when your body will create more milk x

  • Eat a good balanced diet, keep yourself well hydrated, also hand express as well as pump.
    As someone else said between 12-4am you produce more milk, so a good pumping time.
    Also, it sounds weird, but smell any clothes that baby wears. My lg’s smell would stimulate my production.
    I wish you success in your feeding journey 🙂

  • Can I suggest you join Breastfeeding Yummy Mummies. We have neo natal nurses who are trained to very high specifications who will be able to give specialist support. If u want to pm ur name to me and request to join group I’ll do it straight away x

  • My little boy was born at 27 weeks they let me have skin to skin and pump by his incubator, they also recommend pumping every 2-3 hours even through the night it’s tiring but well worth it, my milk dried up in the end cos I wasn’t expressing enough so he ended up on doner milk, try not to stress too much (easier said than done I know) sending hugs and hope your little one is home with you soon x

  • Your body will only produce enough for babies needs I was only producing 5-10ml every time until around three days of doing every hour for the first three days then did every 2-3 and I got more xx

  • Drink as much fluid as you can and keep pumping. Pump for 15 minutes each side or buy a double pump and do this every two hours …… even through the night. X

  • Plenty of water and oats. You can use a supplement called fenugreek to help too. Make sure you eat properly and healthily, and try not to stress too much, the more you do the worse your supply will be. Pump as often as you can and if you can pump whilst looking at little one, if you’re not with her look at pictures or watch a video. As strange as it sounds the hormone that you produce through the love of your child stimulates your supply, and this is heightened when you can see your baby. Well done huni. You can do this. Xxxx

  • If baby is in NICU then you will need to pump/hand express your milk for 15mins every 2hrs (mimicking what baby should be doing if able to feed from you ). If you have a double pump use both sides, if not then alternate between the breasts. You can store any milk in the fridge, date & time on it, ready to take for baby

  • Try haveing something that smells of your little one blanket soft toy it’s not the same as haveing little one with you can you not express next to incubator as I had to go to 2 different hospitals when little one was born and both had different policy’s one was in a nursing room another next to incubator. Good luck and congratulations on birth of your precious little one xx

  • I had my baby at 25 weeks and I had to foce every drop try not to get stressed it won’t help lots of drinks water will help lots of good rich food after a while mine dryed up and the hospital prescribed me some tablets and it made it come back again (think they were anti sickness tablets) after a few more weeks of expressing I couldn’t do any more as it dryed up again but they put my baby on special prem baby milk but 4 months of expressing was very stress full and up and down just keep at it and if don’t beat your self up about it xxx

  • If poster would like to pm me I can try and help as much as possible (UNICEF baby friendly trained)

  • If your pumping, pump as much as possible. If your breast and pump pump at the end of every feed x


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