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Can I have a ppp. My 1 year old son has had problems with his bowels for around …

Can I have a ppp. My 1 year old son has had problems with his bowels for around 9 months now. Three times he has been in hospital with diarrhoea and vomiting. All the doctors ever say is it’s a viral infection. However since his last sickness episode in September he hasn’t seemed to get better. For over a month now his stools are soft, sometimes runny but not diarrhoea. They are yellow in colour. The way I would describe it is like new born poo. Remember the curry bum term some used to describe babies bottoms, that’s exactly what it’s like not one bit solid. Of course he is on a full solid food diet. His bum goes soooo red when he has one. I’m sure it must be acid. He also has skids. His stools are so messy and smelly, takes ages to clean. On some occasions he has like coffee grain bits. It sticks to his bum he has to go in bath to clean and soothe his bottom after having a poo. The last time he had grainy poo he was sent straight to hospital with suspected internal bleeding, which he didn’t have thank goodness. The grains this past month haven’t been black they are brown so I’m not worried about internal bleeding at the moment. He is otherwise perfectly well in himself, eating and drinking as normal. The doctors are finally doing blood tests but I’m at my wits end don’t know whether it is food he is eating or something else. A lot of people have said it’s teething. He is cutting teeth but this is different from teething bum rashes. Also it’s every time he has a poo so 1/2/3 times a day. Sorry for the long and gross post. Thank you in advance xx


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