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Can I have a ppp please? I’m concerned about my daughters eyesight. She’s 18wee…

Can I have a ppp please?

I’m concerned about my daughters eyesight. She’s 18weeks old and I’m convinced she can’t see. People have made jokes about her having ‘scary eyes’ because of how wide she opens them. She’s constantly moving her eyes round like she’s looking around but I don’t think she’s focusing. She smiles when she hears my voice but never looks at me while smiling 😔 she doesn’t follow toys either, even when they are right in front of her face. Not sure how to explain this but my mum has sort of flicked her fingers right in her face to see if she would blink and there was literally no reaction. My son also put a hat on her and she jumped out of her skin like she didn’t see it coming. I’m not sure what I want from this post but has anyone else’s babies been the same and there not actually been a problem with their eyesight? She’s at the GP on Thursday so will mention it then but in the meantime I’m completely freaking out


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