Can I have a private post.. My friend has a 5 month old happy baby girl she is a…
Can I have a private post..
My friend has a 5 month old happy baby girl she is also 13 weeks pregnant with baby number 2, social workers have been involved from baby no1 was born due to partners mum not getting along with her own son and doesn’t want him round his own daughter for unfair reasons, mum and dad would never cause any harm to their baby it’s very sad to watch!! They love baby beyond words and I’m gonna cut a long story short basically she was taking baby to see her daddy and has been caught doing so and now ss have said mother can’t be with her baby alone it has to be supervised and they are worried she’s going to have the baby took off her along with baby number 2 is there anything they can do? They have done nothing wrong ! Mum and dad are together and they love one another very much ! The granny (his mum) has been funny ever sense she has been made main guardian of the baby