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Can I have a private post please; I just need some advice really my 5 year old …

Can I have a private post please;
I just need some advice really my 5 year old suffers with nightmares I wouldn’t say it a night terror but for the past 2 weeks he has been waking up crying and a bit scared every night. He sometimes can tell me small parts of the dream, I’ve read it can be a phase but he shares a bedroom with his 2 year old brother who get woken up. Is there anything that I could change that might help him not have them ( I heard some foods can trigger them)
Sorry for the long post. Tia


6 thoughts on “Can I have a private post please; I just need some advice really my 5 year old …

  • My son was like this and he got tht bad and screamed like he was getting murdered so one night I rang my dad to see if he could calm him and he spoke to him for a while and told him to get one of he’s best teddy’s and sleep with it and tht dreams r not real and just there to scare you. He doesn’t realy have many now and always sleeps with about 4 teddy’s seems to help

  • Cheese and i think iv heard chocolate can trigger nightmares.. but iv had cheese before i go bed and had none.. so i dont know really. If he does wake his eyes open just crying id leave him as they say that desturbing them makes the night mare /terrror worser. Sometimes it can just be them dreaming nit actially awake.. xx

  • My son use to do this x we cut out cheese and they stopped xx
    Also a friend of mine use to wake her lg just b4 so she was awake enough not to dream but not awake enough that they cant go bk to sleep straight away x but that is if it was at same time every night

  • Could you put a night light in hia room. My lad has one and flicks the button on when he wakes up and it helps, a turtle night light from b and m bargains for a fiver x

  • Dream catcher workes and explain that it will catch there bad dreams and make them all rainbows and clouds again. Works for my baba xxx


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