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Can I have a private post please? I started a new playgroup today with my daugh…

Can I have a private post please?
I started a new playgroup today with my daughter – she’s 2 and a half. I’m 19, 20 next month. A woman came up to me and asked me how old I was, then replied ‘you look about 12’ this upset me. Then later on my daughter was having a tantrum about something silly and the same woman said to her friend ‘this is why kids shouldn’t have kids’ I told her I thought it was rude she had said it and that all kids have tantrums and she demanded I apologize?! I told her no and walked away but then she was telling all her friends that I’m horrible? I’ve never met this woman before and she was just so mean to me! I don’t know whether to go back next week or not as my daughter loved it but I felt really judged and just made to feel awkward. I’m used to getting stick for being so young but I don’t know why people feel the need to judge?


11 thoughts on “Can I have a private post please? I started a new playgroup today with my daugh…

  • I look about 13/14 and I always get the bigoted people that tell me or their friends “kids shouldn’t have kids”. I’m now 22. Honestly, my usual response is that although I look young I am a capable mother and at least I was taught well enough not to judge people on appearances. Something I plan on ensuring my child learns! Even got ID’d the other day for alcohol and the guy blushed and said sorry… I honestly thought you were a lot younger! šŸ˜‚ Best thing about having a baby face? When everyone else starts looking older you get to keep that young look for longer! Keep your head up! Judgemental people don’t deserve a thought!

  • Ignore the horrible woman, id have done the same, asked her what her problem was. I hate people who slate people for being young! And the term young mum irritates the hell out of me! We’re mums, not young mums! We have children just like a 30 year old would, we just decided we wanted children a little earlier! I’m 20, with two children and anyone who frowned at me because of it would be on the sharp end of my tounge! Keep taking her, because she loves it, don’t let her experience be ruined because of one stuck up cow! Keep your chin up mama xxx

  • Go back and show her you’re not bothered! I was 34 when I had my daughter so I’m an ‘old’ mum. People will moan no matter what. No one is perfect Hun and she’s obviously got an ugly heart x

  • just keep going back, i was 17 when i had my princess, now 21. I’m sick of “kids shouldnt have kids” i just react to every comment “no, theyshouldn’t, thats why i waited til i was an adult (16 in scotland)) or some cheeky comment, if your daughter is happy and healthy then just tell them all to f*&k off and let your daughter have fun. I stil have people looking down on me and i work full time and send her to nursery… cant do nothing right in “perfect parents” eyes.

  • I had the opposite problem, we’re bringing up my grand daughter and at playgroup no one spoke to us because I was 50 and the other parents were all 20-25. Towards the end of term last year they asked me for money for a teachers present which was the first time anyone spoke to me.. I told them to get lost. It’s tough but if your daughter loves it then keep going

  • Go back, don’t let one women ruin it for! When I was pregnant I was told I was too young to be having a child, I was 25 at the time, the women thought I was under 16! Took that as a massive compliment and ignored the rest of it! X

  • What the hell how rude is she!! So what if you looked younge than you are must be jealous of your youthful looks! Go back and enjoy show her she’s just a ignorant miserable cow!! X

  • Don’t listen to what anyone says I’m a young mum aswell just turned 20 &Ive got a 7 month old. People will look down on us because we’re young but your doing a good job fuck what anyone else says

  • Just ignore ignorant twats like that Hun, I’m 23 and due my third in 10 weeks and get the same snooty comments. If your daughter enjoyed it then keep going šŸ™‚ x

  • Go back, your there for time for your daughter.
    Ignore her, hate people who think they are above you!


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