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Can I have a private post please. I took my 2yo to GP last week as for the past…

Can I have a private post please.

I took my 2yo to GP last week as for the past 5/6 weeks she has been having spots on her skin.

I took her to GP to check they was not contagious as she goes to nursery 3 days a week.

I was told by GP that these are bites.

How do I approach the nursery to discuss these as when at home over the weekend and the two days off mid week these disappear then when at nursery they seem to appear again.

I have kept my eye on this over the past 5/6 weeks and they only ever appear on or after the days she attends. Friday she came home with 3 as I checked (when dressing in the am) then that night when undressing and since then she has had nothing and disappeared.

I love the nursery and the staff I just don’t know how to approach the situation as I feel they are not coming from home as I am OCD with cleaning and personal hygiene.

Thank you


One thought on “Can I have a private post please. I took my 2yo to GP last week as for the past…

  • You just need to tell them your daughter is coming home with bites. Tbh if she is playing in things like sand and stuff it may not be preventable. Depends what the bites are from really x


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