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Can I have a private post please I have two children and there grandparents move…

Can I have a private post please
I have two children and there grandparents moved 3hours away me and there father split and he moved in with them he has not seen the kids since or payed for them. I took him to mediation and arranged for a contact centre as it had been well over a year n the kids could t remember him, he turned up once n didn’t turn up again. Basically doesn’t want to see them. Never had a contact number for him. The grandparents saw the children last before we split up almost 2 years ago, they have put me through hell over the years, they didn’t bother with the children and never asked about them 6months ago I ended up writing to them asking why they have not bothered with the kids my children aren’t even aware they have a nana and grandad. Over the past few months they have been sending gifts, and I have been polite. But they now want to see the children. I have said they don’t no them and I don’t no how to explain who they are when there dad don’t want to no them, luckily they’ve never asked about there dad. They are aware he doesn’t want to see them. They want to see them before xmas, what do I do? Is it in the best intrest of them? When they’ve never had a relationship? Or is it going to open up wounds about who they are that she is there fathers mother, when he doesn’t want to know them? Sorry if this is confusing


One thought on “Can I have a private post please I have two children and there grandparents move…

  • Also could you add.. I think they have started wanting a relationship now only because they now realise the dad does not. It’s hard to talk to the grandparents as there quite posh, everything they write is very formal, and it just makes me feel like a child. Any ideas what I can reply?


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