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can I have a private post please? The other night I found an old memory card and…

can I have a private post please?
The other night I found an old memory card and so I put it my husbands tablet to have a look through our old photos from about 4 years ago before I had our 2 children.. anyway as he flicked through he said “you were so gorgeous, so slim, what’s happened to you? have you been hit by a tsunami? might sound silly but I had to swallow hard to fight back the tears that were going to start. I just got up and walked out leaving him to put both kids to bed (he’s never done this before and my youngest is 10 months) I came back 2 hours later to find everyone sleeping soundly. Am I being childish for being upset? we’ve been together 12 years and I suddenly cant look at him


21 thoughts on “can I have a private post please? The other night I found an old memory card and…

  • What an absolute arsehole! You have carried and gave birth to his two children! One thing I can say is that my husband even though I feel it and he probably sees it would never ever say that to me! I’ve gone from size6 -12 but he always makes me feel beautiful and sexy. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my mouth shut I would talk to him and tell him that he’s let himself go but you don’t make him feel shit about it!

  • Men are such twats at times. They just don’t think that what they’re saying can be hurtful. Mine does it ALL THE TIME and really has no idea that what he says can be really upsetting. Chin up lovely, I’m sure he’s not exactly the same as he was 4 years ago either xxx

  • omg what a fucking dick! you have carried and give birth to 2 beautiful babies of course your body has changed he should worship the ground you damn well walk on that he has the luck to call you his! I’d be kicking him out of the bed to the sofa until he grovelled big time! I bet he isn’t as lovely after 4 years and 2 kids! I would be screaming at him how dare he treat you like that! fucking prick!

  • He a ARSOLE tell him to look in his boxers and ask him where’s it gone it was so big back in the day then go out again but for longer leave him to think about his comments what a horrible hurtful thing to say to you so play the game back to show him how it feels to be hurt by the one you love

  • Oh no 😢 I’d be heartbroken if my partner said that. You carried 2 babies – be proud of yourself and don’t let that dickhead bring you down. Tell him how much it hurt and how insensitive he was. Then don’t give it another thought – you’re better than that. Be proud of yourself and your body for bringing babies into the world. And if he needs to be shown the door, say see ya later. You don’t need that kind of negativity or to feel put down – especially by the one person who’s meant to do the exact opposite. I don’t know you but I think you’re beautiful just the way you are! 💜

  • They defo dont think i think the majority are in their own little bubble. Id have to say how hurtful it was so he knows what a shitty thing it was to say. Id also save it in my memory bank for that one situation where u can throw back, most satisfying!

  • Am i the only person who dont get offended when ny partner calles me fatter then i was. Yeah i have got fat but i carried two beautiful children that mean more to me then a flat stomache. When he tells me im fat i tell him hes fat too. Lol

  • I wouldn’t even think of saying something like that to my wife. 12 years of marriage and 2 kids. I tell her she’s beautiful. What an awful thing to say.

  • No you’re not childish for being upset, his comments were insensitive & downright rude! Who honestly comments on their partners body like that? I bet he’s changed too after 12 years & 2 children, tell him how he’s made you feel, he may not have meant to offend but he definitely did x

  • I would have punched the bastard you have brought his kids into this world and married him and he says this arsehole

  • whilst he was sleeping i would of got my revenge, stinging nettles down his pants would do nicely 😉

  • I’d be upset but I’d probably have a twatty comment to throw back like how it obviously caught me as it hit him. Men don’t think and realise unless it’s aimed at them xx

  • Sorry but what an ar**hole, I don’t blame you for being upset. He should not have said that to you x

  • I’ve just read this to my husband and his exact words “what a twat !” .
    Make sure he knows
    Exactly how much he’s hurt you.ive been with my Hubby 11 years 4 kids gone from size 8 to a 12 and he tells me I’m beautiful all the time .
    Even if he thought was messing around like a joke ,make him squirm for forgiveness Hun xx

  • Wow what a dick men can be tactless without realising how hurtful what they are saying is x

  • I would batter his debit card go and get some sexy underwear and your hair done and make yourself feel good xxx


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