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Could i have a post please? thank you. I’m really nervous about tomorrow!! I h…

Could i have a post please? 😊 thank you.

I’m really nervous about tomorrow!! I have my smear booked in for the morning, i’m not worried about the smear, i’ve been jabbed at in my nether regions countless times since i was 15 πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ due to ongoing problems.
I’m worried about the results!!!
I was 23 when i had my first smear, after fighting with every doctor, speacialist and gynae since i was about 19/20 to get one done,which then ended up with me having to have cryocautery!!.
I’ve got 2 children and i’m honestly shitting myself about the results incase i have to go through that again!
Has anyone else had cryocautery done, then everything been fine at their next smear?
I know we are all different and i feel stupid asking πŸ˜‚ i just wanted to know other peoples experiences.
I’m the person that says get that smear done!!! Even telling my sister off for saying she wouldn’t have hers because of people messing down there (she’s not old enough yet) but i will drag her by the hair if necessary πŸ˜‚

I’m just crapping it!! Made sure my yeti has been shaved πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ so i’m perfectly comfortable going to get it done, just want to cry thinking about waiting for the results.
My partner knows how hard things have been for me as we have been together 12years, but he just doesn’t know what to say, just comforting me and trying to reassure me, which is all he can do considering he doesn’t have a vagina, so can’t fully understand πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Any experiences that anyone has had, i’d appreciate hearing about.
Thank you 😘😘


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