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Could i have a pp please? Really need advice sorry its going to be long… I a…

Could i have a pp please?
Really need advice 😢 sorry its going to be long…
I am 19 my partner is 30. We have a 2 month old baby girl together. For the past 4/5 months our relationship has been going downhill. Dont get me wrong we have good days but more bad days. He doesnt give me attention or affection anymore:'( im really insecure so i find myself wanting to be told that he loves me everyday and that im beautiful even more so after having my baby. We had a tiff not so long ago about me wanted to taoe our baby girl for a walk at 7pm as she wasnt settling. he stood infront of me and said no. I said well im taking her anyway.. caused him to put his fist in my face and arm around my throat. I picked my girl up and hid in the corner of the bedroom crying my eyes out. Ten minutes later he came in and said sorry… since then ive been even more distant with him cus its not the first time hes been explosive like that. Anyway fast forward ive been getting fed up he chooses his mum and sister over me every time. It really annoys me. Anyway i stayed at my parents for a week just to get away and whilst i was there id never been as happy in such a long time. Anyway whilst i was there we was still texting anf arguements was still arising. Now my parents live 140 miles away as i moved up here to be with my partner. I said to him i wanted to stay down there and he then threatens with social and court. I worry im going to loose my baby girl! I would never stop him from seeing her. He can drive and come spend weekends with her. I guess my question is if you men/women were in a relationship and still felt alone and kept getting threats about social and court. What would you all do? T.i.a


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