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Could I have a PP please? SORRY ITS SO LONG! I’m going absolutely crazy. My so…

Could I have a PP please? SORRY ITS SO LONG!

I’m going absolutely crazy. My son is 4, almost 5. For the past 6 months or so his behaviour has absolutely blown up. He screams and shouts in my face, tells me no. Tells me to do this and do that, no manners at all (I don’t respond to this and don’t give in) Hitting myself, his friends and his little brother (who is 2, so isn’t the sudden arrival that has triggered it). He hurts the dog, throws things, refuses to dress himself or clean up after himself and WILL NOT go to the toilet at night time. He’s still in pull ups.

Problem is, he is so stubborn. I’ve tried reward charts, play dates as a reward, sanctions in terms of taking away toys, his tablet (which he’s currently been banned from for a week and still no improvement) and play dates, I’ve tried having my mum chat to him, I’ve tried the thinking step (was advised against the naughty step, and prefer allowing him to think about what he’s done wrong and improve it). He isn’t interested in any of it. Just says he wants his toys and tablet given away or thrown away. Says he isn’t bothered, he doesn’t like swimming, his friends or treats anyway. Just gets off the step no matter how long I persevere and keep putting him on it. I hate to say, his dad isn’t as patient as me and has also given him a smacked bum when he hurts his brother or anyone else. Even that doesn’t work. He just screams at us.
He really doesn’t care about punishment. He will stay in his room all day if he has to. He isn’t bothered. Just slams around and bangs things. If he doesn’t get his favourite meal every meal he really will starve himself. No kidding. My mum has helped me, suggesting giving him the same food until he gives in, and he doesn’t give in. He will make himself ill if he has to just to get his own way.

Tried one to one time, chats, everything. Just don’t know what to do anymore 😢


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