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Could I have a private post please as there’s people that know me on here and I …

Could I have a private post please as there’s people that know me on here and I don’t want them knowing its me who posted
Basically iv had a fair bit of problems lately that have caused me to b scared of being intimate with men. Now I don’t want a guy right now but I jst don’t want to n scared as its jst not nice n its also effecting some of my friendships with males. Iv told a few people this m they jst think I’m wanting to hop into bed with a guy but I’m not I jst want to b comfortable around them coz atm I’m not unless its someone iv known for a long time n I know he won’t try anything I jst start panicking. One guy few days ago did actually kiss me n I cried for ages after. Jst don’t understand why so!e ppl can’t understand that I jst don’t like feeling this way. Is there anyone who’s felt like this before n can offer a bit of advice I’d really appreciate it. Thank you


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