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could i please have a post? just wondering if anyone else has been in my situati…

could i please have a post?
just wondering if anyone else has been in my situation before and still managed to brestfeed as im hoping to have more children.
With both of my babies i tried to breastfeed but neither of them could latch on properly, my first baby didnt take to any sort of milk for 3 days so he ended up settling on formula anyway but with my second i tried for days on end to get him to latch and be able to breastfeed but the midwife told me my nipples were to flat to be able to! i tried expressing and giving it him through the syringe but i wasnt really producing alot of cholesterol and got told i wasnt allowed to give it through the syringe at home so i tried my pump but i couldnt even express enough to get some in the bottle both me and the midwfie tried for ages until my nipples became too sore so i had to give formula again. i just get so upset and jelouse when i see other mummies brestfeeding. i was in a children centre once and there was a brestfeeding welcome sign which underneath said ‘only the best for my baby’ and i just burst into tears 😞


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