Could you please please please post for me? I’m desperate! The past months (beg…
Could you please please please post for me? I’m desperate!
The past months (beginning of march) till now IV had this weird nausea.
IV got a 7month old son and this didn’t happen right after he was born (Oct 2016)
This nausea and body changes are so debilitating that I’m scared to eat incase I get sicker, moving hurts and I’m Always tired (bizarre as my son Sleeps the Whole night)
I have a healthy diet, I do plenty of cardio with my son and I stay hydrated.
I’m no No medication, IV had on and off bleeding sometimes spotting sometimes a light flow and then it stops. My bowel habits have changed from Struggling to not being able to stray far from home.
IV been to the GP I’m being referred to specialists but I’m curious has anyone else had this?
IV had my gallbladder checked and it’s normal… My ovaries are fine…
I’m really confused, its sudden it just comes over me out of no where but it’s intensity builds within seconds, once it reaches its peak I’m either puking in a bucket, toilet, sink, bath or floors I don’t have time to make it to a bathroom..
If anyone has any ideas please tell me… We’re on our wits end with this:(