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Hello I’m hoping if I can have a ppp.. I’m feeling really down right now.. I hav…

Hello I’m hoping if I can have a ppp.. I’m feeling really down right now.. I have a son and he’s 2, I feel as if I’m failing him I feel as I’m failing as a mother right now, I keep seeing all over my Facebook about children (friends kids) speaking sentences and such who are even younger than my son, I’m trying my hardest with using cards and colours and each time we are out I’ll point to things and he’ll point out things and I’ll say what they are and repeat myself but my son just isn’t talking yet, I understand that I’m not the only one going through this but it’s killing me inside.. I’m trying my hardest and only recently Ive found out that when my son goes back to his fathers for the week (ex) he doesn’t do what I’m doing and he isn’t even trying so it’s making me stress even more.. my son goes to crèche so I’m really hoping that would help him with his speech but I just don’t know what to do, Ive been doing what I’m doing for months and I’m getting no help from his father.. does anyone have any tips on how I can better his speech or even maybe get a word out of him.. I feel like I’m just going to break down…. I’m sorry for the long post I just need help.. I just don’t know how to help my son more.. if that makes sense, please don’t bash I’m already feeling like shit 😂 thank you


5 thoughts on “Hello I’m hoping if I can have a ppp.. I’m feeling really down right now.. I hav…

  • Lovely it will happen wen ur little one is ready. I found my little boy came on wen he started nursery because there were other kids. Every child is different and no matter what u ur doing an amazing job. Xx

  • Understanding language comes way before speaking it, so as long as he can follow simple instructions you give him and is repeating single words, then the rest should just come over the next year or so naturally. As hard as it is, don’t compare him with friends children. I could hold a conversation with my firstborn by 18 months, but my second barely said a word until he was almost 2.5 years old. He understood everything I said to him and could follow instructions if I asked him to do something so I knew it would come when he was ready. Health visitors don’t start to worry generally until they are over 3 years old and still not making any effort to speak
    Good luck

  • Feel free to inbox me. My son’s 3 and his speech is only just coming on now really. It’s literally nothing to worry about at his age now. Speak to a health visitor and they’ll put you through to speech therapy who can help and advice you along the way and get involved with groups. Honestly it really helps my son. He’s picked up so much already and he started nursery this year too and he absolutely loves it and is learning so much already and saying new words xx

  • Nursery rhymes and using hand gestures along with words are the two main things that have really helped my son. This has come from nursery and he’s amazing at using his signing and even saying and learning the words along with them xx


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