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Help please. I know you’s aren’t doctors but looking for some advice. So the p…

Help please.

I know you’s aren’t doctors but looking for some advice. So the past 3 days my heart rate has been through the roof. Went into the hospital yesterday because I was having palpitations. Had my pulse taken and was hooked onto a heart trace. Had bloods done and everything came back fine so they let me go a few hours later. However I’ve still been palpitating which has been on and off but it’s a nightmare and now I think I’m coming out in a rash. (I am the worst panicker ever) I’m trying to stay calm etc but I still feel like something is wrong with me and I think I’m going crazy. The fear of something being wrong with me is taking over. I do suffer from anxiety but I’ve never had palpitations and feeling queasy! Surely it’s not normal? Sorry 😳😭


4 thoughts on “Help please. I know you’s aren’t doctors but looking for some advice. So the p…

  • I have heart disease & a defib. Anxiety makes the palps worse & if you worry that something is wrong with you then that’ll make it become more. Just take a moment to yourself & chill, take deep breaths & hopefully it’ll settle.x

  • Anxiety can cause palpitations and especially now you’re panicking there’s something wrong it can make it ten times worse.
    By no means am I saying that it’s not physical but it does sound anxiety related x x

  • sounds like a panic attack.rash could b hives or viral.take some piriton and hav lay down concentrate on breathing and staying calm.hav sleep if can. only way i can calm myself


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