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Hey can I have a private post please? NBR I got my nose pierced about 8 weeks …

Hey can I have a private post please? NBR
I got my nose pierced about 8 weeks ago, it was pierced with a straight stud and I managed to accidentally rip it out, I replaced it with a ring and I was left with an awful spot, I clean it regularly … piercer says don’t take it out or the spot will close up and stay there, just to clean it with warm salt water but it’s not disappeared it’s been a few weeks 😭 picture in comments
Wondering if anyone knew of anything to shrink it 😭


11 thoughts on “Hey can I have a private post please? NBR I got my nose pierced about 8 weeks …

  • I had this cos I pierced my own nose, its like a blood blister, I stuck a needle in it and drained it but I don’t advise that as it scarred, it will take a while to go away but its best if you just leave it be it will clear up, make sure to keep it clean x

  • I had this happened to me when I had my nose pierced, 10 years ago. It eventually went on it’s own, although I was constantly changing my nose stud, which I think made the spot take longer to disappear.

  • its a keloid i had this when i got my nose done, the ring was irritating the wound so i got it changed to a bar were i got it pierced & used this special soap, cant for the life of me remember what it was called but it went not long after xx

  • Looks like a keloid, I had them when I had my nose done, think they are quite common.
    Tea tree oil a couple of times a day on a cotton bud should shrink it xx

  • I had this with mine every time I had it done after the 5th time I gave up I tried everything n it only disappeared when I took it out xx

  • Looks infected, mine when i was a lot younger got somilar to that and very painful. Keep cleaning it and use a little tea tree oil. If no better soon, go see a doctor.

  • Mine did this every time I had it done. I ended up having to take it out cuz it wouldn’t go xx

  • I had this when i got mine done. I just get squeezing the crap out of it and cleaned it with salt water and it went away x

  • I had this when I got my tragus pierced. It never went so I took the piercing out and then it cleared up x


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