Hi can I have a post please? My 7 month old daughter woke up every half and hour…
Hi can I have a post please?
My 7 month old daughter woke up every half and hour last night crying like she was in pain. Normally she goes to bed around half 7 and sleeps through to 6 but yesterday morning she was up at 4.30am, then wouldn’t go to sleep last night. She was clingy and everything she was put down, she screamed like she was in pain or scared. After driving her around (terrible habit I know), she finally crashed around half 10 then was up every half hour – hour. I’ve had no sleep. Every time she woke up, she was screaming like she was in pain. The only way to calm her was to put her in her car seat and walk her around. She wouldn’t take a bottle or a dummy! She woke up again at 4.30am! I don’t know what it could be?
Is she teething? My twins can be irritable a few days before the tooth cuts the gum
I’m thinking teeth but take her to docs if you think she’s in pain and get her checked over x
Get some Aston and Parsons powders xx