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Hi can I have a ppp, am I being unreasonable? When we started going out 10 years…

Hi can I have a ppp, am I being unreasonable?
When we started going out 10 years ago, my partners parents never had any dogs. We had been out before and they’ve seen me literally in tears and having panic attacks when a dog comes near me. Anyway a couple years into our relationship they got 3 dogs and they made no attempt to try and help me with my fear, it was kinda like this is the dogs home now so like it or dont come around. I obviously stopped going round because I didn’t want to deal with that situation. A year later, I had my son and they didn’t want to come to mine to visit us cos me and my partner were 20 at the time so not living together, but when we went there, they refused to stop the dogs from climbing onto me or my son, my partner was no help either. Fast forward again, I’ve had another baby and have zero reason to visit them as I’m now with my partner. They refuse to come to visit us and want us to go to them but still refuse to do anything about the dogs. I don’t want the dogs anywhere near my 5 month old. Eventually he will be around them and they will get used to him but not at this age. My partner understands my point but won’t speak to his parents about it


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