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Hi can i have a ppp on private chat Posting on behalf of a mates mate who hasnt…

Hi can i have a ppp on private chat
Posting on behalf of a mates mate who hasnt go facebook!
Shes recently found out shes 23wks pregnant she had no clue what so ever! Shes got a scan due next week! But really worried about baby as shes been drinking and smoking and eatin stuff ur not ment to (obv stopped now) has any2 else been in this kinda situation and a good outcome? Tia


18 thoughts on “Hi can i have a ppp on private chat Posting on behalf of a mates mate who hasnt…

  • I didn’t find out with my 3 year old till I was 21 weeks! I’d been drinking over Christmas, smoking like a chimney, having vigorous and rather kinky sex wearing tight basques and outfits 😂 Sorry if tmi, also eating pate and runny eggs, mayo and everything they say is bad basically, he is absolutely fine weighing in at 8lb 8oz, I stopped as soon as we found out obviously. Haven’t had time for proper kinky sex since 😂😂😂
    Hope all works out fine for her xxx

  • I look at it like this years ago they never had any rules and 99% of babies were born fine, not only that but the rules change every e.g do it liver it’s high in iron then it change to not eat it at all as for drinking and smoking unless you are trying for a baby a lot of people don’t find out till quite late on and have healthy babies x

  • My best friend didn’t know until she was giving birth… smoked, drank, worked full time in a factory and her little boy is 6 days younger than mine (both 4 in November) and is absolutely thriving!

  • i had my hen night, my wedding, a honeymoon, a trip to belgium later, Christmas, new year whilst i was pregnant with my surprise baby, found out when i was about to give birth, drank n smoked , shes absolutely fine 2 n half yr old, very clever n healthy,

  • I found out at 26 weeks pregnant. Before I found out I had gotten drunk three times.
    Taken tablets as been ill.
    Drank red bull
    Went on a diet did exercise and also insanity class.
    I have a healthy very active 1 year old.
    As long as she has stopped every now it should all be ok tell her not to panic

  • Found out with my now 19yr old at 37 weeks and yes I have 3 children older than her but still had monthly bleeds and no symptoms whatsoever and yep 100% fine in fact she now has a 6 day old baby of her own xx

  • Found at 20 weeks I also was drinking smoking i stopped it all once I found out …I went full term he weighed 5lb 5 and perfectly healthy he’s nearly 14 now and taller than me x

  • My son is a 14 weeks old I didnt find out he was om his way until I was 23 weeks hes perfectly healthy he is baby number 7 so massive surprise i had no idea

  • I found out at 33 weeks didn’t have a clue! Had been on holiday 3 times drank what I wanted and ate what I wanted! She was born within 8 weeks of me finding out now have a little girl who is 17 weeks old! Xx

  • I found out when I was 26 weeks! Had an operation, drank and smoked not knowing. No have a happy healthy 8 month old lb. Tell her not to worry babies are tougher than you think xx

  • No body told us to stop doing stuff 40 years ago. Both my older kids are fine. Drank and smoked and ate whatever I liked. Stopped smoking and drinking and behaved with youngest 20 years ago born with a heart condition. (Fine now )go figure. It will probably be absolutely fine just be happy. Happy mum happy baby.

  • I’m a healthy example my mum didn’t find out til she was 6 months gone she was pregnant with me and she was drinking heavenly like a teenager xx

  • i was in this position with my first and shes a healthy toddler now, tell her not to worry too much

  • I was 33 weeks when I found out exactly the same out drinking she is a very healthy 13 year old now tell her not to worry herself to much x

  • I found out at 26 weeks, i drank done exercise, went on rollercoaster and I have a healthy 8 year old boy x

  • Tell ur friend not to worry sure there’s women out there doing drugs and having healthy baby’s

  • Lol i eat everything they say u can’t and I have the odd drink my babies and unborn is fine x


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