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Hi, can I have a private post please. A worried mummy needing advice. I have a 4…

Hi, can I have a private post please.
A worried mummy needing advice.
I have a 4year old little boy who keeps waking up at least twice a night screaming and crying because he’s having bad dreams. Its concerning me now because he’s been like this for a few weeks. He has his own room but I am considering putting him in with his brother to see if that would calm him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.


2 thoughts on “Hi, can I have a private post please. A worried mummy needing advice. I have a 4…

  • My son as em it’s night terrors love he doesn’t even know he’s doing it n remembers nothing it’s just distressing for u see gp if u r worried love xxx

  • There is nothing you can do to stop night terrors …they will eventually stop on their own …


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