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Hi can I have a private post please. Hoping someone feels my pain and can relate…

Hi can I have a private post please. Hoping someone feels my pain and can relate. I’m 22 and have a 14 month old daughter. She wasn’t the smallest when born (9lb7oz) I’m a size 10 so you could imagine the size of my bump! I wouldn’t change my daughter for the world but I’m so depressed with what I’m left with. All my friends bounced back to their toned stretch markless bodies. I have stretch marks about 2 inches thick my stomach is covered in them, I’ve accepted my stretch marks as I’ve earned my stripes but the excess skin I’m left with looks like a giant bum hole 😂 and my boobs I could use as a scarf! Me and my partner rarely have sex as I hate seeing myself naked. I won’t even have baths anymore. I’m still a size 10 so everything gets sucked in if I have tight jeans on so looking at me you’d never know but it’s getting undressed it all unfolds. I’ve been doing excersises for a good 7 months and has done nothing but made me loose more weight and skin become flabbier. Any tips on how to get rid? Or just something I need to get over.. thanks x


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