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Hi can I have a private post please? My little boy is one, he’s never slept a wh…

Hi can I have a private post please? My little boy is one, he’s never slept a whole night but I’ve accepted that now, he’s got a lot better than he used to be, no feeding through the night he just wakes up has a cuddle and goes back down, but he absolutely will not go to sleep in his cot, and naps in the day only happen if he’s rocked in his pram. The past week or so he’s been going to sleep after bath and milk, but back up again in an hour really hyper til 2/3am? I was just wondering if anybody has had the same situation or has any advice? It’s affecting our whole family and I feel like hed be so much happier if he had proper sleep habits 😞 I know it’s our own fault for being too soft and giving in but it got to the point where I was so exhausted and if our bed meant sleep and the cot meant endless screaming he’d be in our bed…feel like such a bad mum now because he’s suffering for it…I genuinely think he just doesn’t know how to fall asleep on his own..😞 thanks in advance x


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