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Hi can I have a private post please? So a few days ago my dad told me his aunty…

Hi can I have a private post please?

So a few days ago my dad told me his aunty opened a bank account for me when I was a baby with a large amount of money in which I could access when I turned 21 so he gave me some forms to fill out to send off to try and chase it. I needed a few details off my mum such as previous addresses so I asked and she told me she struggled for money when I was a baby so she spent it and closed the account. My dad doesn’t know yet, I’m making her ring him later to tell him (they split up before I was born). I just don’t know what to do I’m in such shock. I could never even borrow any of my child’s money let alone spend it and not give it back. The worst part was if I didn’t ask for details from her for it, would she have ever told me? Sorry for the long post I’m just shocked and needed to rant 😣 x


25 thoughts on “Hi can I have a private post please? So a few days ago my dad told me his aunty…

  • That’s so bad! How did your mum have access to the account if you now need forms to access it yourself?

  • I mean I guess it depends how badly she was struggling for money at the time. If it kept a roof over your head and food in your tummy when maybe you were facing being homeless and hungry then I can understand why she used the money. However, she should definitely have paid you back and I can’t believe she hasn’t already offered! The fact that she only told you now that you asked and that she has made no attempt to put it back over the years make me think it wasn’t a desperation thing 😕

  • Omg I hope all of you who are judging the mum calling her disgusting and saying she should be prosecuted etc never fall on hard times! If your dad hadnt have mentioned the money would you have loved your mum and appreciated everything she had ever done for you? I doubt she took the money for anything other than essentials. And if you are stuck in such despetate times it takes rime to resolve, depending on her circumstances it may just have been too much to repay and as you grew so did your needs for clothes, school trips, things you wanted as a child and into teenage years etc. Please think about your childhood and if you think your mum is a good mum. If she was wealthy and had oodles of spare cash then yes she could have reimbursed the account. But if she wasnt its not as easy to provide thigs your children need and want and save too. You beed to talk to her more about this and seriously consider if money that you didnt know existed and that you have never had so cant miss was put to good use in your childhood and is it worth losing your mum over. Good luck.

  • I understand that it was your money she spent but was it a case of use this money or you dnt get fed? It depends on specifics really…no she should not have spent it but im sure she woulnt have if she got by without it. Just think to yourself that you can carry on in life without this money! you have only known a few days ago it existed anyway.also another chat with your mum may help and maby shes willing to reimburse you to an extent x

  • Oh bless you…i know this must be really hard for but im sure your mum would not have spent the money if she didnt have to. I would be very disapointed but lifes to short to fall out over cash. Im sure she must be feeling so guilty as it is…give her a hug and think at least that money was there at a time we needed it ❤

  • When my daughter was born we were given £600 all together, unfortunately my other half lost his job and we had to spend it on rent 😞 but it will definitely be getting put back into her isa before she’s old enough to even know about it! I understand if she needed it but to not put it back is disgusting.

  • I’m struggling and my kids have loads of money from birthday etc its theres !!! I borrowed .a fiver to pay tje window .cleaner as had no cash in house other wise and put a tenner back i felt so bad …surely she should have made an effort to have repaid iver the.years x

  • Life’s too short uv never had it too miss it accept your mummy’s explanation and be done yes you will be annoyed yes you probably need it right now yes she should of told yes she shudnt of spent it but she did and there’s nothing can change it but from experience dont let it ruin your life because things can change in an instant and you would end up regretting it x

  • Tbh if you didnt even no about it then you havnt missed out, without that money she might not of been able to feed you cloth you buy nappies maybe talk to her about it more, you have had the money becuase it been used on you growing up?

  • Technically she’s spent it on bringing you up if what she says is true it’s shameful but don’t be too harsh on her unless you find out she spent it on stupid things then yes thsts so wrong

  • Things like this annoy me take her to court it is theft if the aunt set it up and it was meant for u u mums stolen off u and should be prosecuted

  • I don’t know what the circumstance where when she spent the money but I do know that if a child has over a certain amount of money the government will not pay any benefits to the parents until it has gone

  • If she’s was in a desperate situation and borrowed it surely she would have left the account open and tried her best to pay back into it over the years, but she shut the account down and never tried to pay you back. She is in the wrong, no matter what her situation was she’s not even offered to pay it back 👎🏻

  • Why would she close it I would still investigate maybe she doesn’t want you to have it for some reason and it’s still there

  • She must have been desperate my mum struggled when I was a kid so have her my baby sitting earnings so she could buy coal to heat the house etc

  • I’m in a similar situation with my trust fund thing my parents created for me and 4 years later of it maturing I still don’t have it

  • I am guessing that the account details were handed over to your mum? I would be asking for the closing statement from the bank confirming when it was closed & the amount withdrawn from it. Hard times or not, I am sure that she would have known the intended use of the account just the same as your dad & as the money was yours & not hers I would be seeking to reclaim it

  • Im sorry but even if you are struggling you dont take your own child savings and then only tell them when she asked questions about it,it sounds like she was never going to tell you hun x

  • No excuses it was your money put away for you from your aunt she had no right to spend your money a mother gives not take off her children I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing I had spent my children’s money

  • Understandable if it was a few hundred to help through hard times, but as you say it was a large amount of money so I think it’s wrong she did that!

  • Id be angry if my mum did that an i couldnt speak to her for not telling me i agree with what some are saying about food but she would of had her own money of benefits to feed u with that she should of told u thats so wrong

  • How appalling of her! Tell your dad and your aunt. It’s not about the money it’s about the principles. Your mother clearly does not care. I’d go mental!!!!

  • Good God if I’ve ever taken10p off my kids I’ve always given it back asap. I’m sorry but that’s disgusting there’s NO excuse to steal your kids money!

  • She must have been really struggling though . Was she a good mum ? Were you fed clothed and housed ?

  • this may sound mean and I’m sure I’ll get loads of nasty comments bk but fuck me ur mum was struggling and if ur in the shit and u need money I would take my child’s money that we have saved, people out there get caught up in debt about to lose everything possible and would do anything to stop that from happening, let’s just hope one day u arnt in that pickle and is about to lose everything going and then let’s see that u wudnt even touch ur children’s money


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