Hi can you post please x I’m looking for advice on things to do with my seven y…
Hi can you post please x
I’m looking for advice on things to do with my seven year old around the house and outside. She has loads of friends in the area to play with but there always seems to be drama.. My daughter gets left out of games etc and ends up in tears a lot.. She’s so innocent and doesn’t understand or care what happens she just wants to play with her friends.. Parents do tell them off and even I have a bit but there’s only so much I can do when it’s not my kids. I don’t want to break my heart over it anymore and I want my child to see that we can do fun things too, I just don’t know what or how to get her interested. It’s hard when every kid in the estate plays outside from morning til night and she just wants to be with them all until they start being horrible. I know kids will be kids but right now they are being cruel and I am at my wits end. Thanks x