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Hi could I have a post please. (First time mum) My daughter is 4 month old and s…

Hi could I have a post please. (First time mum)
My daughter is 4 month old and sinse she was a few weeks old I noticed her face going a bit grey every now and again however my partner didn’t see it and I just thought it was my eyes playing games.. anyway my Mam had her overnight and she pulled me up the next day and asked if she goes a grey colour when she’s asleep and I said that I thought that Aswel but my partner doesn’t see it… what should I do about it? What could it be? Has anyone got any advice as I’m a bit panicky now . Thanks for reading


18 thoughts on “Hi could I have a post please. (First time mum) My daughter is 4 month old and s…

  • My daughter was born with severe heart condition and she does this when her sats drop off not sayong its the heart but my lg looses her colour when her oxygen levels drop. Please seek medical advice!!!! And get it checked

  • **i am not medically trained** but to me i would definitely ring 111 just for advise, could be some sort of sleep apnier (sorry cant spell) and not getting enough oxygen.
    If your concerned i would seek professional advise x

  • This happened to me while I was out shopping in ASDA. I am not a doctor but this is what I was told. A child should never change color . blue and black is badddd. As in can’t breath bad. Grey means serouise medical condition or trapped wind. My child got the once over and they found no medical condition wrong with him. What I was told was its like how they need burped they can’t do it them self. sometimes wind or oxygen gets stuck in there windpipe and they don’t get enough oxygen. They said it has nothing to how u burp them as the first thing I said was I always burp him for a good 5 to 10 minutes after a feed and he turned grey about half an hour after a bottle so I mentioned that incase it had anything to do with it. They said its rare but somthimes can happen where air just gets a little stuck but “normally” sorts itself out. But was told if it ever happens again even if he looks Like he can breath u MUST get him checked straight away. I got told blue or black call 999 grey go to hospital or gp to get him checked as grey means underline medical condition. Take her to the doctors tomorrow and get explain to the gp everything that happened and they will check her over. Never leave it to chance. As some children its sleep apnea some its heart conditions. Best let the doctor tell you what it is x

  • My 18 month old daughter has done this since she was tiny. She has obstructive sleep apnea/ silent reflux. It’s worth speaking to your Dr and get her checked. If your worried at all though definitely call 111.

  • My son does the same. He is 14 months. Has medical issues and also sleep apnea. Try lying your little one on their front, face to the side & legs tucked under bum, or lie on their side and prop a rolled small towel or blanket behind them & see if there is any instant colour change. Lying like this will move the tongue from the back of their throat so it isn’t blocking their airways. If there is no colour change, your baby might need oxygen. But for this carrying on for 4 months now, phone your gp on Monday, to get an appointment, explain to them what has been happening and ask to be referred for a sleep study done. Which will tell you if their is any changes overnight with your little ones breathing etc. Don’t hesitate to give me a message if you like, but that’s my little advice. But ANY colour change, is worth getting checked out soon as.
    (The reason I have said to try the positions for to try now, as I know when phoning 111 you will either wait for a call back from the team or they will send someone out so while you wait, to ease your worries, to try them) cx

  • Hi everyone. After your advice I have called 111 to get advice and they want me to take her to see a gp asap so they have booked an appointment for midnight .. Thanks for everyone’s replies xx

  • My youngest has a rare and very severe heart condition and goes grey when her oxygen levels in her blood drop. Please see the doctor asap to rule out any cardiac issues. It could be any number of things causing it. Hope all goes well, best of luck xx

  • I have a daughter with a floppy windpipe ( sleep apnea she turned blue on me 3 times ) seek medical advice asap grey colour is a sign baby is not getting enough oxygen when babies are really struggling to breathe the eyes and lips turn a blue colour unfortunately i had respiratory distress and cpr training with her dont be scared to go to a+e the next time you notice it take wee one to be seen straight away if she is only turning colour when she is sleeping it could be a case of sleep apnea my daughters was found at a year old had other issues too though xx

  • I would definitely call 111, it could have something to do with her laying flat and not being able to take in enough air in her airways meaning she goes this colour. Certainly call someone, but don’t panic because it will only make yourself worse x

  • I’d forgot about this but I had the same thing with my son when he was that age, and now I think about it I don’t think it happens any more, but nobody else could see it so I don’t know if it was just my paranoia or the lighting or what. Go to your doctor and see what they say, or as Samantha said ring 111, you could do that now and hopefully they can put your mind at rest

  • Thanks everyone. My younger brother was born with a problem were a peice of skin use to block his air ways when he was sleeping. Also have some heart conditions in the family so il be making sure I tell the Dr this at the appointment tonight xx

  • Where’s the grey ? If it’s around the mouth n nose could be wind check see if her tounge is up

  • Always trust your instincts if you are concerned get baby checked out good luck


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