Hi. Could I have a PPP? My 3yo was standing on a chair, she fell and hit her he…
Hi. Could I have a PPP?
My 3yo was standing on a chair, she fell and hit her head on the dining table. While my sister was looking after her. I got home round 4ish and she seemed fine in herself, like chatty and playing. Took her to A&E anyway, as it was a pretty nasty bump. They said she was ok, but to keep an eye on her overnight.
Just been to check on her and she’s snoring. Now I don’t want to sound stupid but does that mean she’s ok? or should I try and wake her up a little bit.
We haven’t long got back from the hospital, and she was up at 5:30am So I Know shes really tired.
Sorry for the long post.
Just need a bit of wisdom/experience and advice. Thankyou.
Probably just asleep tickle her hand or toes and see if she reacts that’s all u need I supervise for first 2 hours and then check every 2-3 hours for 24 hours
Yh try and wake her but gently and wake her but so she’s not fully awake if that makes sense x