Hi could I have a private post please, has any other mums experienced anything s…
Hi could I have a private post please, has any other mums experienced anything similar, I had the implant in my arm removed two months ago and bled for nearly two weeks a couple of days later, since then my husband and I have tried for our second child, our first is one and a half, since the first bleed after my implant removed I haven’t had a sign of a period, and I’ve started to produce milk again, I only breast fed my first for six months due to infections from the birth and my milk dried up completely. I’ve taken two tests both negitive, has anyone else experienced this after implant removal as I’m wondering if it’s hormones evening out or if I could be in the early stages of pregnancy. My dr is on holidays for another week and a half and will see her when she’s back and will test again in a week, just after other experiences.
When I had the implant removed 3 years ago it took 3/4 months to conceive and I remember bleeding for a good week. Just had the coil removed a week ago and have bled heavily for a week wich has just stopped. Think your body takes a while to get used to the lack of hormones so may not settle for a few months. Test again in a few weeks just to be certain.