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Hi could I have a private post please, I’m in need of advice,, my baby girl is n…

Hi could I have a private post please, I’m in need of advice,, my baby girl is nearly 3 weeks old, since she was around 6 days she’s been so unsettled, she grunts, squeals as if she’s in pain, always doubling over and making a pushing noise she does thing nearly every 5 mins or so when in her basket she settles a little better when lying on me but not for too long, she never seems to be soundly asleep, although seems to calm a little after having a poo, I’ve took her to the doctors to which I was told it’s just the way she is, so I turned to my health visitor who told me if she settles on me leave her on me which means I’m getting very little to no sleep as she’s glued to me so obviously don’t want to fall asleep, I feel like I’m being palmed off coz clearly there’s something upsetting her, she’s bottles fed which a made fresh, I’m demand feeding as she seems to be very varied with her times between feeds but generally going every 2 to 3 hours taking 3 to 4oz, I’m just wondering if anyone has had a baby that’s so unsettled I understand she still getting used to the outside world, but it seems to be getting worse not better, if I could I would sit with her cuddled all day just to make her feel better but I also have 2 older children, so it’s difficult at times, can I also add she passes wind no problem I burp her 4 to 5 times during feeds and she brings up 3 to 4 burps each times, I’ve tried massaging her tummy bicycling her legs everything I can think of but nothing works, I feel like I’m going crazy as professionals are saying she’s just this way, but I can’t shift the feeling that something’s not right, so sorry for long post, I’m just very tired and hoping for some help, thanks xx


14 thoughts on “Hi could I have a private post please, I’m in need of advice,, my baby girl is n…

  • Thank you everyone I’m definitely going to go back to the doctors and demand some answers, it’s breaking my heart watching her so uncomfortable, but it’s reassuring I’m not alone in this, thank you all again xx

  • If it’s silent reflux would this make her unsettled constantly? Or is it just during feeds? She’s constantly unsettled, and she’s on stage 1 cow and gate milk xx
    Could I also add she doesn’t really seem interested in a dummy I’ve tried thinking it may settle her but she just spits it out xx

  • Could you reply to my post please, no she’s not very sickly at all, maybe a little when she brings up her wind but otherwise no, I thought of reflux or even colic but reading about them she doesn’t show many signs of either, how would I go about finding an osteopath? I’ve heard of reflux but not silent reflux? What is that? Thank you for your comments tho xx

  • This sounds like my little girl was. And she had colic along with silent reflux and coed milk protein allergy.. I had 6 doctors appointments and 2 A and E visits to find this out. Keep your chin up, it’s horrible seeing them poorly isn’t it. Hope baby gets sorted soon x

  • Could be a mild reaction to lactose. My son was like it when we tried combined feeding so we went back to just breast but when we started weaning, the problem arose again and doctors said to keep him off of dairy and slowly reintroduce it.
    Might be worth trying lactose free x

  • Is she sicky after a feed?
    My son was sooooo unsettled and it turned out he has reflux. He’s 1 in 10 days and is still bad with it. He’s had baby gaviscon since he was 2weeks old. It did the world of good x

  • Have you considered taking her to see an osteopath. I’ve know a lot of mums who have been with their babies who cry a lot and won’t settle and they completely different afterwards x

  • Change your formula. She’s got a sore tum. Give water between feeds too as that helps to loosen things up. I switched from cow and gate to SMA. It was the yellow one and was meant to mimic breast milk, which it really did. Poos went back to the same colour and consistency as when she was breast fed and she slept loads better too. Was definitely happier. I was giving her a little bit of water between feeds too as they get thirsty with formula, not just hungry all the time and you’ll find less is taken in water drink than in milk drink. They only have a little bit

  • What milk do you give her? My girl was like this and turned out she has cows milk protein allergy xx

  • I’d be taking her to A&E if I got no luck anywhere else from no other health professionals


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