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Hi could I possibly have a private post please?x Hiya ladies, was just wonderin…

Hi could I possibly have a private post please?x

Hiya ladies, was just wondering if anyone had been in same position as me and the outcome for them… basically on Thursday I took a pregnancy test and got back a very faint positive! So excited by this I took another a couple hours later for this also to come back a faint positive.. because it was so faint I decided to do a couple more the next again day just to check they were getting stronger & bam negatives! .. I’ve called the Drs and I’m all booked in for blood tests but the wait is killing. Just wondering if anyone has been through similar and actually been pregnant or is it really possible to get 2 false positives x


One thought on “Hi could I possibly have a private post please?x Hiya ladies, was just wonderin…

  • Are you bleeding? If so it could be an early miscarriage but if not keep those fingers tightly crossed and try to relax, stress won’t help. I had early miscarriages, we think it was because I couldn’t carry boys. Good luck 😘


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