Hi could u ask something please, I have called 111 I’m waiting for a call back….
Hi could u ask something please,
I have called 111 I’m waiting for a call back.
My son is nearly 4 weeks old, for the last week he’s been screaming CONSTANTLY day and night,
I went to nems surgery early hours Thursday morning they said to change milk (was on SMA changed to aptimal) HV said to try the comfort one but he wasnt handling it too well (being sick) went to doctors she said try him on the reflux one but didn’t make much difference, and said give it the weekend to kick in and if no luck we try something else.
Also the doc at nems said it could be a milk allegedly or colic.
I’m using infacol ..
He’s crying lots mainly more at night time.
HV doesn’t think it’s belly ache cause he doesn’t bring his legs up.
But he screams until he’s red like a tomoto, he bends his back right back, he looks in pain, in destress.
Doc from nems said he’s fine but I know my son and he’s not fine, he’s usually happy and smiling but he’s constantly crying & screaming.
Has anyone else had a similar problem?
I can’t give him oat and comforting him isn’t helping much.thank u xxx
Reflux. Use cow and gate anti reflux milk works wonders x