Mums Advice

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Hi there! Hope you are having a nice Christmas. Could I please have a private po…

Hi there! Hope you are having a nice Christmas. Could I please have a private post on your page? My family (siblings) are a bit of a mess. Some not talking to others with various different petty and serious issues down through the years. I get along with all of them but we haven’t had a family get together in over 10 years (before my children were born). Since my kids were born, because I don’t want to exclude anyone, I have been pandering to the group by having two birthday parties for each of my kids each year so the arguing siblings don’t bump into each other and to be honest it has ruined every event I’ve hosted (ruined it for me that is, with the stress of it all). Siblings are a “brush it under the carpet” type family so there is no hope of reconciling differences. My problem is my kids are starting to notice who goes to whose parties and who doesn’t and they are asking questions that I have no idea how to answer. I grew up in an abusive environment, I have dealt with all my issues over the past number of years as best I can and I am very careful not to have my sibling issues filter into my own family. But the questions are gonna start coming more and more as we have a few events coming up this year and tbh I am sick of pandering to them all. My kids are 9 and 8. Anyone advise me how I can deal with this without spilling out my whole sorry history to my innocent children? Would appreciate any advice, thanks.


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